[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Written In Blood – The Brazy Bunch, A-Wax & King Iso

Project is solid, it starts off wild aggressive but once they hit a note where they can just be slightly above average they never really punch for more. Thats not saying its dope but it takes it from being great to being a solid project to just loop in the background and not fully digest or really attach to. The content is here for sure but its all trapped in a loop of the same type beats and same type hooks and melodies which take away from the content when its hitting. When the content isnt hitting as much its typical street shit that any trust fund baby could make up so it doesn’t really give they own stamp or twist to it, they don’t dive much into it. Its good music for sure but you hear all this talent and wonder why they just phoned it in for this many tracks. Cut this in half or more you have great, but as it stands its solid but makes you feel like you got short changed. In rotation.
7.8/10 – John D.