The Mind Of A Saint – Skyzoo & The Other Guys
01. Eminent Domain
02. Views From The Valley
03. Panthers & Powder
04. Straight Drop
05. 100 to One
06. Bodies!
07. The Balancing Act
08. Brick by Brick
09. Apologies In Order
10. Purity
Projects solid. Dope theme, feels like something he just wanted to do. If you haven’t watched snowfall this will be a great reason to start it. Even though I thought the last season was trash, I will put a whole lot of respect on the seasons that got me there. This got all the clips to sync the story for sure, then you have every beat on here type floating, with nice emotion to it. I will say tho, I think knowing the show and the history its lightly supposed to be hinting at, this project wasn’t very California to me. Sky is clearly from Brooklyn if you have an ear for lingo, and the beats don’t hit the era as much as I needed it to. When he hits Saints past and all the panther stuff it hits more for sure. Not bad, but if you haven’t watched the show or aren’t a fan of that era this gonna just hit as a dope hip hop album. Regardless still in rotation its high tier raps and production.
7.9/10 – John D.