[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]GOTTI – Berner

If you’ve read one of my Berner reviews you have most likely read them all. I will say as a whole this might be his best one put together solo, but mainly because of the production and features. Hip Hops David Attenborough but on weed. His bars delivery and cadence is just so lax that when its not chill its only boring and thats about the range you are going to get. Regardless the production here is mostly super dope when its not following the leader and the features, especially the name name ones really showed up, and added +100 Charisma and contrast to each song. Pacing was solid, Gotti clips were cool, to fit his energy he should’ve used clips from the Travolta movie. This aint bad, I wouldn’t have someone turn it off and honestly some of the highs iI would tell someone to run back. In rotation.
7.5/10 – John D.