Stat03 – Eddy I.

Stat03 – Eddy I.

Stat03 – Eddy I.

????01. 3Days

????02. Big Brother

????03. Cardio

????04. michelin freestyle f. Tyrone Briggs

????05. Thru the Stat

????06. aquemini f. Honey Kilo

????07. do u even know? f. Jordan Barone

????08. Needs

Project is solid but lowkey the production is boneless. This has a bit of a slow star. Overall this project needs some flair to take it to that next level, whether its a bit more sauce on the production, some more sonic risks as far as the MC or even some ad libs to fill in allot of the empty space. As far as content, its super dope, dark, heavy, and very honest. Project is short so its got some nice replay value and as far as variety its a good mix of radio new age, sad forward new age, and him just snapping. 2nd half of this absolutely turned up. Get a bit more contrast and ranges on this and you have a great project, but as it stands its still dope too. In rotation.

Project: 7.3/10 || Art: 7/10 – John D.

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