Frank C: The Bisonian – Bison.FC

Dude is the faceless man of rap, all sorts of personalities in his bag, but at the end of the day we know hes a bad dude. This project is solid. You get a whole bunch of styles, flows, hooks, voices from one MC and the beats follow this variety. That being said not all of them hit for me. There was some points where he would dabble in sounds that weren’t fully for me and they didn’t really take it to the level of where he mostly delivers on this project. It throws off the pacing too, it feels like the beginning and end had more structure and the middle was on anime filler time just seeing what sticks. Overall not bad tho, he really showing you that he can do it all or at minimum has the energy to try. Long story short this is a very well rounded artist seeing what hes capable of. In rotation.
Project: 7.6/10 || Art: 7/10 – John D.