EGOT the EP – CyHi
1. Extra
2. Help Me God
3. Slide f. Big Bank
4. Tears
Project is a heat check. Just him throwing a few different tracks at you to see whats going on in the hip hop world, but to remind yall that he hasn’t dropped in a minute. A bit upsetting this 4 piece did not come close to the aggression he took out on that radio interview but its still a good time. Got a very southern sounding starter club type track from the 2010’s, followed by an aggressive soulful but big sounding bop that Pusha T wished he had on his last release, a slow smooth bop with some singing, and a very deep honest, real sad track that ends it. All filled with bars, raps, real shit, and just great penmanship. Whatever this was, it did the job, I just need whatever this was setting us up for. In rotation.
7/10 – John D.