[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Fast Lane – Clyde Carson
😴1. Back on Somethin
💤2. Points f. Trfiln’
🌊3. Crowd Surf f. Philthy Rich
😴4. Slidin
🆗5. Attention
👎🏾6. Chances
🌊7. $100 Socks f. Larry June
🆗8. Ain’t Hard To See f. Young Reshaud
Immediately I knew this project was not gonna be for me. I know this type of sound and it just does not do much for me. That being said the production was cool very much so trap but like very clearly like cali trap. He also had this like monotone type simple rap flow that wasnt bad but treaded the line between boring and ok. Features did what they had to, nothing crazy. Aside from it being clean, the project was just very mediocre. Short also which made it easy to digest. Very ok.
5/10 – John D.