Statement Piece – Charle$

Statement Piece – Charle$

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Statement Piece – Charle$

🔥01. Venti
🔥02. Whip It
🔥03. Personal
🌊04. U Were
🌊05. So Lo f. Sage the Gemini
🆗06. Lie 2 Me
🌊07. Know No Better
🌊08. Ringing
🗑09. Trophy
👍🏾10. Blow Up

Project is very solid. Dude can rap, can make a hook, and honestly can just make good music, its here. It worked for the most part, very strong start to the project but ends a bit rough. Idk if those last songs were throw aways or like b sides to make up space but it messed up the entire pacing. Other than that, its got bangers, its got vibes, its got raps, it literally hits multiple hip hop subgenres while playing the line of unique but also familiar at the same time. Its def a nice listen. Enough to make me wanna see whats next, the quality was clean too. Pacing needs a lil adobo but other than that this project was solid. In rotation.
7/10 – John D.


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