Wolf Sinatra EP – Big Wolf Da Don
01. Sunny With a Chance of Fame
02. Needed Me
03. Anoche Con Mota
04. I-95
05. Loved Ones f. Pauly Nash [Bonus]
This project is very strange. After the first track where hes rapping like someone asked him to freestyle in the 80’s, it all just turns into some singy raps. His voice will have you confused for sure. Hes got a very deep old head voice, and out the gate the raps you hear are kinda expected, its just when you hear it go into singy rap mode it might throw you off. I honestly didnt hate it, I think he could really tap into something if he works on it a bit more because its a solid singing voice especially for the type of music he was putting together. It just didnt click fully and had allot of small things working against it. Subject matter was ok, but not enough to grab you and rope you in for the long run. The potential is there tho.
Project: 4/10 || Art: 4/10 – John D.