God EP – Jake Daniels

Project is a good time, I feel like this is snake charming music but for white women. So out the gate the quality the production and such are very high tier, you can immediately picture the music on here behind a car commercial in the dessert, or backing a Netflix series about someone finding their sexy or getting it back. To use the word sexy again thats exactly what this music is, you just cant help but picture people sexy dancing to it, like those old choreographed thirst trap videos. It has that much going on production wise. Alone the production tells a very big story and makes you nod even if you arent feeling the song as a whole. Then you have him using his bedside voice to make white girls whip they hair to or toxic masculine dudes uncomfortable. I will say tho he is sliding, the lyrics are at the cusp of adult, maybe PG-13, I did need some sort of female contrast and for him to show out a bit on the vocals. Feels like what he did was easy and tho its good, I wanna see some range vocally or even flow and bounce wise because the production carried most of this. Either way, this is a good time, somewhat kid friendly if you dont think about it too deeply and will make you wanna dance or make a very fancy at home drink. In rotation.
Project: 7.9/10 || Art: 9/10 – John D.