Rare Breed – K-Dawg

Nothing on here is bad, it’s just the result of a new emcee not having the proper tools to put those finishing touches on his bars. Things like syllable stacking and counting,breath control, the ear for perfect multisyllabics, a tonality that matches the message, the perspective of an overall scheme and song, rather than just focusing on the next rhyme. These are all things that come with practice. K-Dawg has a gruff street presence in his delivery, which is refreshing from all the sad boy shit I’ve had to listen to lately. The biggest struggle for me on this project was not cringing at the attempts of simile laden predictable punchlines. The cadence and focus on the rhyming words was also unnecessary. K-Dawg does have some good imagery and a perfect amount of “getting paper” flexing, which is none. This is a good attempt at a soulful project from a new emcee. I got a feature for you Dawg, just hit me up.
Project: 4/10 || Art: 8/10 – Euphonic