UF Outta Here – L-MO 415

If we had a hip hop government and there was a bill trying to pass with the intention of removing white people from rap, this project would cause all sides to agree and pass it. If that Nicole Richie rap album was from heaven this project is from hell. This is like if the CDC and US Government decided to go half and half on an album and recruited one of they 40 year old nephews to do a rap album to promote the vaccine but also sauce it up for the youth. This the saucy susan of rap, I hated it. Trash beats, his garbage flow and content, terrible pacing all of it screamed the PG-13 side of kids youtube. Whoever sent this in, its on sight. This dude tried to make rapping about promoting the vaccine cool, to the point where if you are a supporter of it, you wouldn’t want to get it anymore because of how he is acting. Throw this out. Burn it. Ship its ashes to space. Shout out to the open feet appreciation tho.
-10/10 – John D.