BIRTHDAY MIX 6 – Lil Yachty

This sound like every hood millennial when they first decided to try rapping and he recruited his friends who have been making music for maybe a year longer than him. Music is for kids who think its funny to fail school but aren’t in gangs or don’t sell anything. You got short bus beats and all the SpEd raps on this one. I have to admit it does fit the theme of it being a birthday mix, because it sounds like a bunch of adults wearing party hats high off sugar and whatever drugs the kids are doing now. All flex raps, no actual pacing or substance, but not even hollow enough to be good just boring cookie cutter shit that screams “please fans carry me, this is all I got”. What stuck the most is the awful rushed current events pop culture punch lines on this one so bad, and that love song, track 7, I cannot never unhear it. If someone played this at any part I was at, I would ruin that party immediately.
.5/10 – John D.