Harbor City Season One – KXNG Crooked & Joell Ortiz

This project is a good time, you can tell they were having fun in the studio. With skits its a bit too long and even so without them. You can tell this was a mix of idea and some throwaways, because how the hell did that wack ass Energy song make the cut. Even our heros can make a wack song I guess. Not bad otherwise, skits were cool, not the most story driven at times, some made more sense than others or fit with others but I didnt hate them. Raps are here in bunches, I don’t even have to say that, you know what you are here for. They snap, often and mix up real shit, with some personal stories and a whole lot of just rappity rap hip hopper veteran type stuff that old heads ball they fists up for. I am that old head, my knuckles was white for 98% of this. Easily in rotation, we just need Royce and Joe to stop being soft and give us something, mainly Joe.
9/10 – John D.