No Fear of Time – Black Star

Project is smooth. Its a good time for sure but I couldn’t help but feel like something was taking away from this being great. Beats were solid, this shit had all the fucking raps I needed, solid hooks, that contrast, even the features were nice. I tried to not compare or even think of the original and just enjoy this for what it was, and I did do that but It just needed a pinch more flair to really get busy for me. Some of the vocal effects were strange, and some of the beats could have used a bit more change ups and flash because we know what Madlib can do. Its dope regardless tho, just leaves you feeling like you needed a bit more but not necessarily from the raps, more so the sonics. Easily loopable, new agers can show it respect, oldheads can hype it up, and them real hip hop heads wont complain too much maybe only that you gotta listen through that random ass websites paywall. In rotation tho.
7.5/10 – John D.