[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Blanco 4 – Millyz

Project is a good time, he can really rap and also him switching from some real believable rap shit to doing the new age street soul singing shit is dope. He don’t slack on a single track he giving you bars, slick shit, street gems and jewels but also catchy shit he does it all on here. He even runs the show up against some elite features and highkey babies the others. That being said this project does have an issue with some generic youtube beats, and being a bit too long so the second half slides but you get this feeling it was just added to make space. Pacing takes a bit of damage from that but overall this project is complete with high replay value. In rotation easily dude sound like hes passed the point of tryna show you he really does this.
8/10 – John D.