Me To Blame – Paavo

This album cover is not only cold as hell its fucking terrifying. I went into this expecting some raps to follow that horror energy and did not get that. Thats not a bad thing but it did stay on my mind. Dude can rap, hes got a cool voice, and has a nice pocket he likes to stay in. His subject matter consists of allot of scenarios, experiences and some stories. Its dope but requires allot of listening which can take you out of it considering songs are like 4 minutes minimum. He doesn’t offer up allot of treats as far as flow switchups and such so it all blends sometimes. His hook game can separate things but those are simple too nothing too sonically engaging or even encourages singing along. Feature on here was ok, didn’t make much of a difference but some other contrasting voices could have ranked this higher. All the production on this was dope and carried allot of this. Its not bad, its a complete thought, it just can feel like a chore getting through it. In rotation tho.
Project: 7/10 || Art: 10/10 – John D.