Hvte Me Now, Hvte Me Later EP – $liM6

Hvte Me Now, Hvte Me Later EP – $liM6


Hvte Me Now, Hvte Me Later EP – $liM6
??1. 20 Years ?This Hook IS JOKESSSS?
?2. Jeeper $liM6 Creepers f. ?TreVo
?3. 12 Rounds
?4. Sergeant $liM6
??5. Blasphemy
This is hot dog shit. The hook on track 1 everyone needs to hear this dude used the word tallywacker, and track 2 has the most insecure contradictory opening verse ever. I cant take this serious, because it cannot be serious. Whats crazy is if this had some sort of help maybe an honest ear it could be marketable. Prod was ok, he was flowing but that was it. I do appreciate the songs are wild short so this misery doesnt last long but highkey he cant be older than like 18. This is shit that insecure teens say to themselves knowing they never seen no cheeks. Most honest line was on the last track where he mentioned he got bullied in HS. I believe it.
.5/10 – John D.


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