[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]True Story – SniperShot
🗣01. Guru
🌊02. 8-Bit
🔥03. FIbonacci Microphone Pimpin
🌊04. Juicin Fresh Tangerine
🌊05. Feelin Nice (hook took this one down a bit)
🌊06. Texas Flag
🔥07. Let Go
🗣08. Why You Mad? Enterlude
🔥09. Fake
🔥10. #Tourlife
🌊11. We Are One
🌊12. Life Is Crazy
🌊13. This Life We Live (hook took from this one too)
Project is a good ass time. This dude has unlimited sauce, organic, non gmo, vegan thc infused sauce. I don’t know why fully but he reminds me of T.I. The content is here, the production is super solid too and I was super sold on his cadence and delivery. I think some of the bars he was stretching words but he did it so smoothly it didnt take from the project some weaker hooks did tho. The pacing and vibe of it all is dope tho, even when he spitting some cold rap raps its got a very clear positive message involved or something structured to pick people up. All vibes. Even when hes talking that woke, fuck big pharma stuff that I love its a vibe. This is smoke music for sure. In rotation.
7.5/10 – John D.