[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Runway Tapes – Xiuhtezcatl
🌊1. Fuego f. Isa Caress
🔥2. Runaway f. Isa Caress
🔥3. El Cielo
😴4. Tides Freestyle
🌊5. Ping
🌊6. Thankful f. DJ Cavem Moetavation
👍🏾7. Moments
Project slides. Its got new age variety, hes got a dope voice, hes rapping in different languages and the production slides too. I wasnt mad at this at all, the features came through, he was saying some heavy stuff too for the most part. Very modern, very aware, and it also took risks with sounds. Project is under 20 minutes so the replay value works too.
In rotation.
7/10 – John D.