Year of the Swett – Swetti Boy

Year of the Swett – Swetti Boy

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Year of the Swett – Swetti Boy

🚮1. Intro
🚮2. Out on the Town
👎3. Yell
🚮4. Fuckshit
🚛5. Some Drugs Are Ok(PSA)
🚛6. Thotpocalypse
🚛7. Respect Women(interlude)
🚮8. Hoes Bein’ Hoes f. Young Trungus
🚛9. Water
🚮10. Anime Girls f. Bribs
👎11. Sauce
🚮12. Cheating (interlude)
🚛13. Tinder Hoes(My Job)
🚮14. Stagefright
🚛15. Epilogue
🚛16. Songs to Have Sex To
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In my life time,I’ve witnessed some phenomenal asscrack in the comfort of my bed, both physically and digitally(streaming). This is just that minus phenomenal. I would like my hour back that I’ve wasted listening to this abomination that you call an album. Each song is this kid trolling talking about his dad and hoes while off beat and horrible autotuning. The production couldn’t even save this project. Don’t waste your time less you want your ears to bleed mercifully.



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