
Submit Your Music For Review!

All reviews are posted to InstagramYoutubeFacebookTik Tok and Twitter.

Single Submissions: $3 Per Single
Album Submissions: $1 Per Song + $1 to the total (ex: 10 songs $11)
Twitch Live Single Reviews: Join the LIVE, $1 per song, $3 to get pushed ahead of the queue.
Expedited, Twitch LIVE or Scheduled Submissions (Albums only): An additional $10 added onto the Album Submission Fee

Please use the donate button below or Cashapp $Cocolash BEFORE YOU SUBMIT THE PROJECT and include the project title & Artist name in the Paypal/Cashapp notes.
(Please provide all streaming link if it is on all streaming, we prefer Song.Link , if it is any other link like bandcamp, youtube, or of the soundcloud nature, then specify and send the appropriate link). 

* indicates required

If it is on all streaming please use or